L’acqua calda e l’acqua fredda
At the Valbruna Steelworks in Vicenza more than a half of the 1000 workers come from the South of Italy, specially from Giovinazzo (Bari). Here until the 80’s the Acciaierie e Ferriere Pugliesi (Steelworks) was operative. After its closure, a migration to the North has started, that’s still continuing. L’acqua calda e l’acqua fredda (Warm water, cold water) is a trip between both the North and the South of Italy, and the present and the past, told through those workers’ stories and direct and indirect evidences.
Written and directed by Marina Resta, Giulio Todescan
Camera operator and sound recordist: Luciano Attinà
Editing: Marina Resta
Color correction: Simone Petruzzelli
Sound Editing: Luca Scapellato
Music by: Luca Scapellato, LSKA, Phill Reynolds
Graphics and documentation: Giulio Todescan
Subtitles: Marina Resta
Cast (in order of appearance): Luciano Alari, Cosimo De Bari, Demetrio Pappapicco, Paolo Depalma, Mimmo Palmiotto, Francesco Depalma, Michele Camporeale, Francesco Camporeale, Antonio Dangelico, Filippo D’Attolico, Mimmo Stufano, Michele Stufano, Vito Bavaro.