I Fantasmi dell’Odeon
Direction and editing for Bacàn’s short film

The idea comes from the collaboration between Bacàn and Enrico Ladisa, the Artistic Director of the cinema Odeon in Vicenza. The purpose is to highlight the value of a little but amazing archive of 35mm reels that are in the projection cabin of the cinema. This archive contains short films or excerpts lost in the cabin since the ’30 that are now creatively rediscovered.
In the project the reuse of those films happen by mixing them with improvised music and videoart. Some of the musicians from our Sounds Network Program will have the opportunity to improvise music on the images projected directly into the cinema. The result will be an artist short movie realised by a visual artist that will combines images of the players, extracted from the vintage videos and new elements born from the fusion of the images. The sounds experience will have an important descriptive rule also placing itself as a conjunction between the arts.
In a difficult moment for both cinema and music workers, the project want to give the opportunity to young musicians to concretely experiment their research on improvised music. The value of the project is twofold: using the closed spaces of the cinema and creatively reuse its movie archive.
The multidisciplinary project permits to engage a big audience.
Cinema Odeon became a real stage where the arts merge together in order to achieve aninnovative and amazing content.